Founder/CEO Lisa Moler is always focused on spreading the word of new clinical and practice development options to help you achieve your best success.
by Lisa Moler, Founder/CEO, MedMark Media

MedMark Media
Our worlds are so busy with our time consumed with improving clinically, professionally, and personally. We work hard, and hopefully find the time to play hard. From my view as a publisher of four and soon to be five dental publications, I see and hear about so much innovation going on in the dental community. Dentists are showing patients that dental health means better overall health, and there are so many ways to add technology, expand clinical options, and create your own new protocols and inventions that can change the face of your specialties. My team at MedMark is always searching for your stories – for your journeys, your successes, and even your speed bumps along the way. Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk said, “Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish, you’ve got to tell the world about it.” I wholeheartedly agree. And that’s what we at MedMark Media have been doing over the past 17 years. We’ve been telling the world about you.
All of the new advancements in dental specialty fields are amazing – augmented reality (AI), virtual reality, 3D printing, robotics, the field of dental sleep medicine, braces and aligners that move teeth faster and more efficiently, and imaging in 2D and 3D that makes diagnostics more precise. Advances in endodontic materials such as bioceramics, contribute significantly to that specialty’s incredible growth. Let’s not forget implants – according to iData Research, over 3 million dental implants are placed each year in the United States, and the U.S. market is expected to exceed $1.5 billion in 2027.
Here’s more good news. In this issue of Dental Sleep Practice, our Cover Story spotlights the latest in dental sleep medicine solutions to treat OSA patients more effectively. SomnoMed’s second annual SomSummit focused on vetting the value of all sleep therapies and explored the fundamental research that supports them in improving, and even defining, OSA treatment success. In our CE, “Interarch Jaw Registration Devices for Oral Sleep Appliances,” Dr. Allen J. Moses explains bilateral molar stabilization and creating a more open airway. In “Tongue Tie is Not Your Only Problem, and Frenectomy is Not Your Only Answer,” Linda D’Onofrio discusses oromyofunctional therapy (OMT) and the different myofunctional disorders that can be clinical markers of sleep-disordered breathing. In “They are Not Their Disease: Clinician and Providers Need to Feel That,” Pat McBride explains listening and communication can make you the one provider who captures the influence of illness on your patients. She says that great care providers understand science and help patients accept their diagnosis and process it. Patients who feel understood and cared for follow treatment recommendations and self-management protocols better, improving their quality of life and long-term health outcome.
Back to you – how can we help you tell the world about your innovations, techniques, and life-changing treatments? Our articles and advertisers show you what is possible, practice-changing, and promises to help differentiate you from the rest. To change Gary Vaynerchuk’s quote just a bit – Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish, MedMark is here to help you tell the world about it.
To your best success!