90 million Americans are tired and snore. The ADA now recommends that dentists screen for sleep apnea. Questionnaires alone are ineffective at getting patients to diagnosis or therapy. Nocturnal oximetry is a cost-effective way to convert patients to therapy.
Patient Safety, Inc. is committed to providing reliable, consistent and effective high-resolution pulse oximeters and software that allow practitioners to accurately screen patients for sleep-disordered breathing. Using the most precise oximetry data on the market, Patient Safety helps you choose the best care path for your patients by determining risk of subtle and complex sleep-related breathing disorders not easily identified with other pulse oximetry products. Our SatScreen Report has a green to red dashboard that is designed to eliminate patient questionnaire fatigue by providing visualized, objective data that is more likely to result in patient engagement.
The SleepSat 3-D Hi-Res oximeter uses a high sampling rate, precise signal resolution and superior averaging times to accurately track small changes and short-cycle fluctuations. Our SatScreen software applies advanced analytics and pattern detection to the SleepSat’s best-in-class data to index ventilatory instability and baseline drifts in oxygen, which can help detect UARS, Nocturnal Hypoventilation, and Cheyne-Stokes. SleepSat is not an HSAT, so dentists can use it to test patients at any point without fear of diagnosing OSA. SleepSat data is analyzed within minutes, and uploaded reports are accessible 24/7 through our cloud-based viewer.

Stop missing patients with inadequate data: convert them to therapy and capture more revenue. For more information, visit www.patientsafetyinc.com, call 888.666.0635 or e-mail sales@patientsafetyinc.com.
For more information on the importance of nocturnal oximetry to the dental sleep practice, read Craig Pickerill’s interesting article, “Sleep-related breathing disorders and the use of high resolution oximetry for screening.”