New editors of Dental Sleep Practice are eager to promote the magazine’s mission in serving the Dental Sleep community, both from a dental and medical perspective.
Dental Sleep Practice (DSP), the leading magazine for dentists and dental professionals dedicated to the treatment of sleep breathing disorders, is proud to announce two new editors who are experts in this continually changing and evolving specialty. Steve Carstensen, DDS, will be returning to the DSP team as Chief Dental Editor, and Lee A. Surkin, MD, has been named Chief Medical Editor. Together, these brilliant doctors will be covering the entire gamut of sleep-related breathing disorders in the newly formatted MedMark Media publication.
DSP Publisher Lisa Moler said, “I couldn’t be more elated with this new development within the organization and enthusiastically look forward to our DSP future and the importance it will continue to hold within our marketplace, continuing to educate doctors on the critical treatment of OSA.”
Lee A. Surkin, MD, FACC, FCCP, FASNC, FAASM, is triple board certified in Sleep Medicine, Cardiology, and Nuclear Cardiology. He is President of Empire Sleep Medicine, CardioSleep Diagnostics, and Chief Medical Officer of Sapphire Sleep Ventures and VirtuOx, Inc. Dr. Surkin is founder of the American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine, a not-for-profit academic organization dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to education, supporting clinical and academic research and furthering public awareness of the strong association between cardiovascular disease and sleep disorders. He is also a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Surkin has co-authored a seminal manuscript titled “Cardiovascular Disorders in Narcolepsy,” published in the prestigious European peer-reviewed journal, Sleep Medicine Reviews in August 2021. With over 24 years of clinical practice as a trailblazer in the fields of cardiovascular disease and sleep medicine, Dr. Surkin focuses on the integrative relationship between cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, obesity, and stress. In a clinical setting, this is a unique, comprehensive, and effective model for patient care.
Dr. Surkin said, “I am honored to become Dental Sleep Practice's first Chief Medical Editor and will bring a fresh approach to the collaborative and interdisciplinary relationship that needs to be fostered between dentists and medical doctors. Through shared learning presented in Dental Sleep Practice, we intend to spark communication leading to relationship building and ultimately enhanced patient care."
Steve Carstensen, DDS, graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry and has practiced in Texas and Washington. He achieved Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentists in recognition of thousands of hours of advanced education in dentistry, with an increasing amount of time in both practice and classwork devoted to sleep medicine. A lifelong educator, Dr. Carstensen is Sleep Education Director for Pankey Institute and lectures on the subject at Spear Education, recognized as among the finest places for dentists to further their education. As a volunteer leader for the American Dental Association, he was a Program Chairman and General Chairman for the Annual Session, the biggest educational event the Association sponsors.
He is the Consultant to the American Dental Association for sleep-related breathing disorders and co-author of a textbook for dentists treating the disease. For the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, he has been a Board Member, Secretary Treasurer, and President-Elect. He also has achieved Certification by the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Carstensen said, “Clinicians everywhere are constantly seeking the best new information to be able to help their communities and patients in their office. I’m excited that Dental Sleep Practice has enlarged its vision to embrace collaboration between dentistry and medicine even more broadly. Returning as Chief Dental Editor is a true highlight of my career, and I can’t wait to get to work.”
Sleep Apnea, a sleep disorder that causes breathing to frequently stop and start, has been associated with significant health risks, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. In the national effort to understand, diagnose, and treat this disorder, dental professionals have emerged as an important part of the community seeking to build a knowledge database aimed at alleviating human suffering due to Sleep Apnea.
Dental Sleep Practice has repeatedly been recognized as a leading publication in the dental sleep niche. The journal’s affiliation with The Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorder Disciplines underscores its mission is to provide dentists and clinical teams with online, on-demand access to academically rigorous education and credentialing built upon evidence-based, multidisciplinary scholarship of sleep-related breathing disorders, TMD, and Craniofacial Pain. DSP is specifically designed to serve the professionals whose practices focus on understanding and treating Sleep Apnea disorders in the United States. The publication caters to all in the industry, from newcomers seeking to immerse themselves in best practices to current practitioners sharing their latest insights to service or equipment providers benefiting from a constant and deep connection to current and potential customers.
The new editors are eager to promote the journal’s mission in serving the Dental Sleep community, both from a dental and medical perspective.
MedMark Media has produced dental journals in the fields of endodontics, implants, and orthodontics for 16 years. The company is dedicated to creating a healthier America through knowledge, due diligence, and experience, by empowering dental professionals with high quality clinical information in clear and concise language and showcasing innovative technologies.
For more information please visit: https://dentalsleeppractice.com and https://medmarkmedia.com