Great Lakes Orthodontics

Helping dentists navigate the waters of dental sleep medicine Among the clinicians, innovators, and scientists who help establish dental sleep ...

The Effects of Enlarged Adenoids on a Developing Malocclusion

by Dr. Derek Mahony and Dr. Kevin Williams Abstract This article reviews upper airway obstruction caused by hypertrophied adenoids and ...

Pro NFL Players Tackle Sleep Apnea

In recent years, awareness of the potentially life-threatening effects of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has begun to rise, but there’s ...

What’s the Problem with Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Apnea?

by John E. Remmers, M.D. Even though they are preferred by patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and such patients ...

How to Implement New Initiatives in Your Practice!

(An antidote for the “Coat Rack Syndrome”) by Amy Morgan Whether you are getting ready to introduce Oral Sleep Appliances ...
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