The New Year is a time for resolutions — which has led me to think of the true meaning of that word. Resolution is defined as “a firm decision not to do something.” That doesn’t sound so positive to me. I am more invested in the word resolve, defined as to “decide firmly on a course of action.” That’s more like it! As leader of the MedMark team, our vision and our goals for 2020 are positive — we don’t want to “not do something;” we are going to take action on many exciting innovative, creative projects for our readers and advertisers. This year, on our media side, we continue to inform and educate through DocTalk videos and podcasts. We are especially excited about our new dental sleep medicine ZZZ Pack Podcast, which will bring news and views from some of the most knowledgeable sleep-focused dentists in the niche. Also, Dr. Rich Mounce will feature many of our most popular authors on his Dental Clinical Companion Podcast. In the past few years, I have been fortunate to help motivate our audience by interviewing some phenomenally inspiring people — Shaquille O’Neal, Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, and Dr. Oz, and I will continue to connect you with those who can encourage you to expand your horizons.
Our print and digital articles continue to keep you on the cutting edge of clinical and practice management ideas and information. In this issue, our CE by Drs. Barry Glassman and Don Malizia provides critical thinking on bruxism and sleep-disturbed breathing. Both science and experience must be included in the diagnostic equation for appropriate patient evaluation and subsequent treatment. Randy and Kyle Curran explore the risks and rewards of whether to contract and become in-network with medical insurance payers or remain out-of-network. Read this article to help determine the best options for you, your patients, and your practice. Dr. Robert R. Rogers has designed a universal appliance that offers three different design features on the same platform. Read about how the interchangeability of the Medley appliance brings a quick, easy, and economical advantage to dental sleep appliance design.
2020 has just started, and the opportunities to expand your practice potential are endless! Along with our constant resolve to inform you through the written word of the most current technologies, products, services, and techniques, keep watching for us online and in person at major dental meetings and events across the United States. Please continue to contact us with your article ideas or if you want to take part in one of our online chats or podcasts. This year, “resolve” along with us to “embrace the exceptional.” Start the decade as we have — deciding firmly on a course of positive action based on solid science, facts, and innovation.
To your best success in 2020!