Positional Therapy

A complementary tool to improve patient outcomes

by Shad Morris, DMD
As pioneers in a unique branch of dentistry, you and I understand the complex nature of sleep disordered breathing. Not only are we dealing with a spectrum of breathing disorders and disease states, but treatments can often overlap. This complexity requires a thorough approach and gives us opportunities to seek out, educate, and work with other healthcare providers to deliver the most effective patient care.
slumberbump-fig1In my 13 years as a sleep dentist, I have seen oral appliances change thousands of lives. I have also worked on some particularly tough cases where oral therapy improved the patient’s situation but fell short of the desired results. That’s why I started studying and discovered the power of positional therapy when used as a supplemental treatment.
I’m not alone – “Positional therapy makes oral appliance therapy more effective for my patients. It may seem simple, but it keeps them in the best position for a peaceful night’s rest.” says Dr. Steve Carstensen, sleep dentist.
Here’s why it works: Body position can dramatically impact a patient’s ability to breathe and increase the severity of their snoring. Sleeping flat on the back causes the throat to relax and block the airway, which aggravates sleep disorders. Positional therapy is a simple behavioral strategy to keep patients on their side so breathing can return to normal.
Anxious to improve patient success, I searched for an effective positional therapy device. Unable to find an adequate product that was affordable for patients, I made the commitment to develop Slumberbump. The Slumberbump is a lightweight, breathable sleep belt that trains individuals to sleep comfortably on their side.
Our development team worked diligently to meet the following criteria so you and I can easily incorporate the Slumberbump into our current treatment methods:

  • Durable, lifetime satisfaction guarantee
  • Simple, patients will actually use the device
  • Affordable, $49.95 patient cost

To date, we have seen a 90% compliance and 80% success rate on positional sleep disorders.
The sleep dental field will undoubtedly continue to grow through advancing research and technology, allowing our role as dentists to morph and expand. I know a multidisciplinary approach to patient care is absolutely necessary to get the results we desire for our patients. Oral appliance and positional therapy are a winning combination.

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