
Sleep Appliances with a Truly Open Anterior Design

(from left) Oravan™; Oravan™ Herbst

The Oravan and Oravan Herbst sleep apnea devices by OravanOSA encourage natural protrusion of the tongue, maximum patient comfort and less clinical chair time at the fitting session.
Ivan Stein, DDS, a NJ based dental sleep practitioner, is the proud inventor of the Oravan and Oravan Herbst. “After many years of practicing sleep medicine, I was frustrated with the lack of comfort my patients were facing with other appliances as well as the amount of extra chair time having to refit and adjust them,” said Stein. He has incorporated the Oravan and Oravan Herbst devices in his practice and is astounded by the results.
“The results have been excellent and documented. Our patients have only rave reviews and actually use these appliances every night. By eliminating the anterior and incisal coverage, patient comfort is maximized and the tongue protrudes naturally. Patients tell us all the time how great they are sleeping, how they have more energy during the day and how their partner no longer is up all night listening to them snore. The appliances are easy to seat, and I never need to worry about anterior cosmetic work being a problem.”
Mandibular advancement of these appliances are easy to do and can be accomplished in very small increments for best results. Oravan can be advanced 0.1mm at a time, with 6mm of advancement. Oravan Herbst can be advanced 0.0625mm at a time, with 5mm of advancement.
OravanOSA introduced its dorsal fin appliance, Oravan, at the 24th AADSM conference in Seattle last year. Daniel Stein, CEO of OravanOSA said, “We’ve really come a long way. After receiving such amazing feedback on the Oravan, we knew we had to offer this treatment option to as many patients as possible. Obtaining Medicare approval on the Oravan Herbst last December was a huge step. We look forward in continuing to partner with more dentists to get this incredible treatment option to their patients.”
The company takes pride in not only providing the highest quality products, but also ensuring the best in customer service. “We specialize in sleep and understand how important it is to work with our dentists in meeting individual patient needs. We will do everything in our power to tailor the appliances to the doctor’s request for maximum effectiveness,” Daniel said. OravanOSA offers various design features on the Oravan such as a 90 degree wing to keep the mandible forward when the patient opens their mouth or an angled wing for those patients who may have difficulty acclimating to the initial forward position.
“I have been using OravanOSA sleep apnea appliances exclusively to treat my patients with sleep apnea,” stated James Andrews, DMD, of South Carolina. “The appliances are quick and easy to deliver with minimal adjustment. Patient compliance is great as they are very comfortable and patients tell us how much more alert and better they feel after wearing the appliance. This is the appliance that I personally wear and do not sleep without it.”

Patient compliance is great as they
are very comfortable and patients tell
us how much more alert and better
they feel after wearing the appliance.

Recent estimates show that 80-90% of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea remain undiagnosed. With this evidence, it is clear that there is no other disease or disorder as life threatening as sleep apnea that is undiagnosed and untreated to this level. As oral appliance therapy continues to gain popularity as a leading treatment option, OravanOSA is excited in helping more patients get the sleep they deserve. After all, everyone deserves to Sleep with the Best!

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