Quebec, Canada, April 30, 2024. Panthera Dental (Quebec, Canada), global leader in CAD/CAM dental sleep appliance development, is proud to announce that two distinct abstracts were accepted for poster presentations at the AADSM and AASM/SLEEP Annual Meetings. In addition, a funding opportunity through Panthera for investigator-initiated research proposals will be announced.
The posters and the “Panthera Sleep Research Grant” reflect Panthera’s dedication to advancing dental sleep medicine research.
Titles of the accepted abstract presentations are as follows:
AADSM - Poster # 14 (5/18 4-4:30)
- Five-Year, Prospective, Multicenter, Real-world Study to Assess the long-term safety, Initial Management, and Effectiveness of a CAD/CAM, 3-D Printed Oral Appliance in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Updated Interim Analysis.
AADSM - Poster # 33 (5/18, 4-4:30)
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a CAD/CAM, 3-D Printed Oral Appliance to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
SLEEP - Poster #252 (6/5, 10-11:45) and O-26 (6/5, 2:45-3:00)
- A 5-year Multi-Center Real-world Study Evaluating the Effectiveness and Use of CAD/CAM 3D-printed OAT to Treat OSA.
SLEEP - Poster #376 (6/4, 11-11:45)
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Study to Assess Tooth Forces of a 3-D Printed Nylon Oral Appliance to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
"Panthera always placed research and development at the forefront of the company," said Marc Morisset, Vice President of the Sleep Division at Panthera Dental. "These two ongoing research projects and our new research grant initiative confirm our dedication to continuously improving our patient-matched oral appliances, prioritizing comfort, compliance, and chair time efficiency."
Visit the Panthera booth #320 at the AADSM Annual Meeting for more information on the posters or the Panthera Sleep Research Grant.
Combined with the latest in manufacturing 4.0 technologies, the Panthera D-SAD devices are 3D printed from medical grade polyamide 12 nylon. The versatility of nylon removes traditional limitations in design, allowing for thinness, thickness, rigidity, or flexibility, while Panthera’s purpose-built CAD-CAM software allows for unique design options. Panthera devices are PDAC verified. The Panthera Classic can be billed using (HCPCS) E0486 code. Check the website for our best in category “360 Warranty”. The D- SAD’s device category are FDA (510k) cleared, CE marked and meet the Canadian Medical Device Regulation requirements.
Come and meet the Panthera team at the AADSM Annual Meeting, booth #320, and at the AASM/SLEEP Annual Meeting, booth #1517.
About Panthera Dental
Panthera Dental designs, manufactures and markets dental prosthetics, implantology and sleep breathing disorder solutions using an innovative CAD/CAM process and superior quality materials. Both a pioneer and a leader in the field of customized dental solutions, its proprietary technology allows it to offer next-generation products to the widest range of patients possible. Panthera Dental is headquartered in Quebec City, Canada, with subsidiaries in the USA, France and Germany, and associates worldwide.
Panthera Dental website: www.pantheradental.com
More information about Panthera Dental’s sleep division is available at www.pantherasleep.com