Airway Management’s flexTAP® is PDAC-approved for Medicare (E0486)

Airway Management is the only manufacturer to have all of its custom oral appliances accepted
by Medicare.

DALLAS [Feb. 9, 2023] – Airway Management (AMI), manufacturer of the most globally
researched custom oral appliances, is excited to announce its flexTAP custom oral appliance
can be billed for Medicare beneficiaries using the E0486 HCPCS code. This code enables
coverage with most medical insurers and expands consumer access to flexTAP that treats mild
to moderate sleep apnea.

Since 2007, Medicare Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) has reviewed and listed all
custom TAP appliances for Medicare reimbursement. TAP differentiates itself from the devices
listed under the E0486 code (Herbst and Dorsal) with its patented, mid-line technology, making
it the ideal device for sleep clinicians looking to expand their sleep therapy options.

flexTAP is an oral appliance that is customized for personal comfort and equipped with a selfadjuster for at-home ease, and the first of its kind with no metal parts for additional comfort.
flexTAP’s revolutionary ThermAcrylⓇ liner is thinner, more durable and easy to adjust chair-side
with warm water. The key to flexTAP’s success is the new patented Vertex TechnologyⓇ, which
is the design of the post angulation in the flexTAP hardware. With a standard 3 year warranty,
both patients and healthcare providers can begin therapy with peace of mind.

Additionally, flexTAP is the first custom oral appliance to include a standard nasal breathing
component, the flexTAP Mouth Shield, to improve comfort and treatment outcomes.
As the lowest-cost custom TAP appliance, flexTAP is the perfect appliance for sleep clinicians
looking to grow their practice with oral appliance therapy.

Conveniently, AMI authorizes partner laboratories to manufacture the devices as defined by the
FDA as “contract manufacturer”. This relationship is treated the same with PDAC and credits
AMI as the manufacturer to hold FDA 510k and PDAC approvals, with contract manufacturers
subsequently covered under the AMI regulatory umbrella.

About Airway Management, Inc.

Airway Management is the manufacturer of the most independently studied oral appliance in the
world with over 55+ studies, offering products that improve the health and quality of life for
people who suffer from sleep-disordered breathing. Airway Management is committed to
supporting the clinician, health care professional and laboratory technician with high-quality,
minimally invasive therapy for snoring and sleep apnea.

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