Innovators in dental sleep medicine are excited about meeting you! Read more about them, and find their booth numbers so that you can pay them a visit. Tell them Dental Sleep Practice sent you!
flexTAP®: Most Simple & Effective Custom TAP Oral Appliance
Looking for an easy and effective solution to your patients’ snoring and OSA? As the first customTAP with no metal parts, flexTAP is an oral appliance that is customized for personal comfort and equipped with a self-adjustor for at-home ease. Its new ThermAcryl® liner allows for easier chairside adjustments using warm water.
flexTAP is the first of its kind to utilize our proprietary Vertex Technology® paired with the flexTAP Mouth Shield comfort accessory to promote nasal breathing, prevent dry mouth, and minimize excess saliva for extra comfort. Uniquely designed with a wide range of advancement (17mm) without the need for bite registration or exchanging hooks, Vertex Technology allows the mouth to open vertically and horizontally simultaneously during advancement of the jaw.
“Treatment success relies on how far the jaw can open,” says Dr. Keith Thornton, inventor of the Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP). “Since people breathe in various positions, healthcare providers need the flexibility to adjust the device according to individual patient night-to-night needs.”
flexTAP is our lowest priced customTAP, PDAC coded (E0486) and includes a standard 3-year warranty. It is available to order through Airway Labs and participating partner labs.
Visit Airway Management at AADSM Booth No. 315
Respire Pink AT Herbst by DynaFlex
Appliance selection remains our most powerful resource to ensure desired outcomes. The Respire Pink AT (Advanced Titration) Herbst by DynaFlex has become one of the most effective appliances applicable for many patients due to several key innovations. The adjustment tool (Figure 1) has a user-friendly handle. Patented technology ensures the screw does not turn back on itself during wear. The measuring scale on the arm allows both patient and dentist to closely monitor acute advancements.

When looking to innovate further on the Respire Pink AT, DynaFlex focused on patient comfort. We have been able to maintain all the current AT features, while creating one of the smallest PDAC approved hinges on the market. Reducing the length of the hinge by 24% prevents irritation of the commissures of the lip while the mandible is being advanced. We were able to achieve a much smaller and more comfortable arm without sacrificing advancement range. Thanks to one of the key features in the new Micro design you can titrate up to 8mm, if needed.
Knowing your options for appliance selection gives you the opportunity to provide precision therapy for your sleep apnea patients. Using an experienced oral appliance manufacturer like DynaFlex, who has a large variety of appliance choices, allows you to treat each patient according to their needs and helps achieve the goal of personalized medicine.
Visit DynaFlex at AADSM Booth No. 410
OrthoApnea NOA from Great Lakes Dental Technologies
A new, uniquely sophisticated mandibular advancement device clinically proven to treat obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.
The appliance features an extremely smooth and comfortable finish. There are no metal components to irritate mucosa. The sintered nylon allows for a small buccal profile for patients with a small buccal corridor.
The clinician can choose various mandibular positions. The appliance is ideal for bruxers because of the occlusal support and the strength of the material. A rigid, precise fit reduces the possibility of tooth movement. The unique cam design provides for freedom of movement allowing TM joints to move without restriction.
Mandibular advancement devices are suitable for patients who suffer from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. The device can be recommended for patients who are intolerant to other treatments and patients who snore during sleep.
Great Lakes Dental Technologies is an employee-owned company, with 200 employee-owners who design, develop, manufacture, and market appliances and products for use in the orthodontic, dental, and sleep and airway markets.
Great Lakes is one of North America’s largest orthodontic laboratories and offers more than 4,000 products and services. Training and education are offered at the onsite training center in the company’s headquarters, located in Tonawanda, NY.
Visit Great Lakes Dental Technologies at AADSM Booth No. 208
Revolutionizing Dental Sleep Medicine: The Power of Specialized Software
”The right tools for the right job.” The convergence of dentistry and sleep medicine has brought forth a critical need for a specialized system in addressing medical model workflows for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment. Sleep testing, physician collaboration, medical billing, documentation, progress reports… while conventional dental software or medical EMR’s serves some needs, it lacks the nuanced features designed specifically for effective dental sleep medicine management.

DentalWriter Plus revolutionizes dental sleep medicine with its comprehensive suite of features tailored to streamline workflows. Interactive checklists guide practitioners through each step of the sleep patient process, ensuring efficiency and accuracy. Dedicated questionnaire and exam forms for every visit facilitate detailed clinical notes while generating SOAP reports. Optimized referral reports foster seamless collaboration between dentists and physicians, igniting referral networks.
This user-friendly platform boasts robust features, allowing for customization and detailed production, referral, and analytics reporting to meet the needs of dental practices treating obstructive sleep apnea. Integrated with medical billing services, DentalWriter Plus ensures accurate and seamless reimbursement, supported by an expert team dedicated to transparency and efficiency.
As you embark on your dental sleep medicine journey, ask yourself “Do I have my ducks in a row?”
Visit Nierman Practice Management at AADSM Booth No. 303
ZOLL® Itamar®
ZOLL® Itamar®, a division of ZOLL® Medical, is a leading company in sleep apnea diagnosis and pioneering innovative sleep apnea management programs for patients and healthcare professionals. Our mission is to improve access to the millions of undiagnosed sleep apnea patients through our breakthrough WatchPAT® products and services.
WatchPAT® is an innovative Home Sleep Apnea Device (HSAT) that utilizes the peripheral arterial tonometry signal for sleep apnea diagnosis. It measures up to 7 channels (Peripheral arterial tonometry, heart rate, oximetry, actigraphy, body position, snoring, and chest motion) via three points of contact. Within one-minute post-study, the raw data is downloaded and auto-scored identifying all types of sleep apnea events. WatchPAT® home sleep apnea test provides AHI, AHIc, RDI, and ODI based upon True Sleep Time and Sleep Staging. The WatchPAT® Home Sleep Test (HST) is clinically validated with an 89% correlation to PSG.1
- Yalamanchali S, Farajian V, Hamilton C, Pott TR, Samuelson CG, Friedman M. Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea by peripheral arterial tonometry: meta-analysis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(12):1343-1350.
Visit ZOLL Itamar at AADSM Booth No. 204
Dental Sleep Practice features innovators in dental sleep medicine offering their tips for improving your practice. Read “The Breathing-Smile Connection: The Intersection of Airway Health in Orthodontics” by Dr. Bill Harrell here: